Me and Mike. Now you know our faces.


Welcome to my blog. I can't promise much more than a rambling discussion about life, creative process, health, food and kitties.
I tend to swear a lot.
I'm stoked you’re here; after reading a bit, I hope you still will be as well! 


  Just one of the many things that I miss when I'm at the *other* job

I'm super mega cranky about being at my job today. My p/t job. It feels like being stuck in my head...all these thoughts and no way to a creative outlet until after 5pm. I'm beyond overload at this point with project ideas and being here is a bit like being in prison! (or so I imagine...) To tame my project-oriented monster within, I tackle a thankless job that will take about 4 hours, so that my body has something to do while my brain daydreams. Some of the random thoughts that I have had today while organizing the book section at the store ... 1. I really need to paint. Like now. My little bunny drawing that I made for Mike on the weekend has been on my mind, like a reminder that painting and drawing are alive and kicking in me and they need to get out. (sigh...break is over...I'll continue this at lunch...) Ok so this is on my last break now, but on with the list... 2. I want to make books. Not write books but make them. I'm currently researching how to make simple book styles out of recycled materials with a Japanese binding...this bit of learning pleases me to no end...I'm actually surprised at how much it pleases me :) And I have no idea when I'll make my first book, but it's a happy preoccupation when I'm working at my retail job surrounded by paper and scraps... 3. Bit of a preoccupation with felt going on lately. Don't know it because of the cold, damp later winter weather...the need to nest...the pretty colours of felt strapping that we have for sale...?! I want to make hairbands with silver and beaded ornamentation with felt...I'll make and wear one as a prototype of wooly goodness. Felt would be soft, warm and slightly grippy on hair, so I think it might work. This idea comes just in time for the warm spring weather...I'm a little behind of my time, apparently... 4. I'm actually eager to get my taxes done and spring cleaning underway...but it's a secondary eagerness...My studio is hilarious right now. The floor is covered in boxes and projects and dance costuming and books, and there's this little wee goat path leading from the doorway to my bench. But I won't be tackling that today...not when there is a silver order arriving any minute now, and a full 6 hours for me to the studio!!

Thinking about shows...

Hearts Rock. For Reals.